Are you getting in your own way? 

Do you stop yourself for going for a promotion or job you really want because you don’t think you’re good enough?

Or maybe you’re saying yes to all the things because you’re afraid of pissing someone off…but it means you’re run ragged. 

Do you tell yourself “I just need that qualification” or “once I’ve got the experience from that project, I’ll be ready”

Then you absolutely need to join my Tame Your Imposter Masterclass!!

Wednesday 27th September from 7:30 to 9:00 PM (replays available)

Our brains are wonderful things, they can be our greatest assets, but also our worst enemies. 

When your brain feels under threat or stressed, we can behave in a way that takes us away from our goals instead of achieving them. 

I see it every day with my clients, and thankfully I have some fantastic strategies to help you train your brain to act like your best friend every day. 

I’ve worked with thousands of women to help them to stop holding themselves back! And I’m excited to help you too!


A clearer understanding of what’s causing you to self-sabotage and WHY!

Simple tactics to train your brain to help you succeed

And you’ll walk away ready to start backing yourself for a change!

I can’t wait to see you at the session!

Wednesday 27th September from 7:30 to 9:00 PM (replays available)