Get the promotion and payrise you deserve!

Get the promotion and payrise you deserve!

Get the promotion and payrise you deserve!

Get the promotion and payrise you deserve!

Stop letting your imposter hold you back from leveling up!!
This is it, this is my time…so why the hell do I keep getting in my own way??!! What is it that other people are doing that I’m not?
You can’t help thinking that now is the time to make the most of your career. But somehow, somewhere, something’s just not clicking for you.
You’ve never been more experienced…yet it’s not translating into confidence and impact.
You know deep down you’re great at your job, yet there’s this horrible imposter lurking inside, ready to knock you back.
But enough is enough, isn’t it time for you to shine?
So, if you want your name to be in the box for the next promotion at work instead of feeling like you’re always the bridesmaid and never the bride, read on…

This is it, this is my time…so why the hell do I keep getting in my own way??!! What is it that other people are doing that I’m not?
You can’t help thinking that now is the time to make the most of your career. But somehow, somewhere, something’s just not clicking for you.
You’ve never been more experienced…yet it’s not translating into confidence and impact.
You know deep down you’re great at your job, yet there’s this horrible imposter lurking inside, ready to knock you back.
But enough is enough, isn’t it time for you to shine?
So, if you want your name to be in the box for the next promotion at work instead of feeling like you’re always the bridesmaid and never the bride, read on…

Imagine bouncing into work on a Monday morning, excited that you actually get to work today…you even have a bit of swagger because you know you’re nailing it and it’s being seen.
You’ve thrown off your invisibility cloak and you’re not just being listened to in the boardroom…you’re leading it!
You’ve mastered the art of selling yourself without selling your soul. It feels natural and easy, because you really own why you are awesome at what you do.
In just 14 weeks you’ll learn my best strategies and simplest steps to getting your boss and the top team to see that you deserve more, so…the top bonus, the best project, the next promotion is yours.

I didn’t even have to ask for my payrise, my boss called me in and said you totally deserve it. Thank you Sinead! My confidence is at an all time high!

Imagine bouncing into work on a Monday morning, excited that you actually get to work today…you even have a bit of swagger because you know you’re nailing it and it’s being seen.
You’ve thrown off your invisibility cloak and you’re not just being listened to in the boardroom…you’re leading it!
You’ve mastered the art of selling yourself without selling your soul. It feels natural and easy, because you really own why you are awesome at what you do.
In just 14 weeks you’ll learn my best strategies and simplest steps to getting your boss and the top team to see that you deserve more, so…the top bonus, the best project, the next promotion is yours.

I didn’t even have to ask for my payrise, my boss called me in and said you totally deserve it. Thank you Sinead! My confidence is at an all time high!

Hi I'm Sinead
Your sweary career fairy…a corporate veteran who keeps it real and cuts through the BS!
Over the last 5 years, I’ve helped over 5,000 women get the recognition, promotions, and pay rises they deserved. I’m an ICF accredited coach, have a BA Hons Psychology, MSc Human Resource Management, NLP Master Practitioner, a Positive Intelligence coach, and have many other accreditations to my name.
Most of my 20-year corporate life I’ve worked in career development roles, and have learned a thing or two about how to navigate the bullsh1t AND get big career results.
When I had my daughters I woke up and realised what I’d put up with at work, got angry about the brilliant women around me getting passed over time and time again. I decided to use my powers for good and pump all my experience and passion into helping you get…
- great at talking about yourself without feeling like you need to shower after – and so the people around you nod and realise ‘wow we need her’
- on that promotion track where there’s no stopping you (my record is 5 promotions in 2 years), you just keep rising!
- the right focus, confidence, and energy that comes from nailing it every day whilst being recognised for it! As Edyta said ‘it’s like I’m on rocket fuel’

Hi I'm Sinead
Your sweary career fairy…a corporate veteran who keeps it real and cuts through the BS!
Over the last 9 years, I’ve helped over 10,000 women get the recognition, promotions, and pay rises they deserved. I’m an ICF accredited coach, have a BA Hons Psychology, MSc Human Resource Management, NLP Master Practitioner, a Positive Intelligence coach, and have many other accreditations to my name.
Most of my 20-year corporate life I’ve worked in career development roles, and have learned a thing or two about how to navigate the bullsh1t AND get big career results.
When I had my daughters I woke up and realised what I’d put up with at work, got angry about the brilliant women around me getting passed over time and time again. I decided to use my powers for good and pump all my experience and passion into helping you get…
- great at talking about yourself without feeling like you need to shower after – and so the people around you nod and realise ‘wow we need her’
- on that promotion track where there’s no stopping you (my record is 5 promotions in 2 years), you just keep rising!
- the right focus, confidence, and energy that comes from nailing it every day whilst being recognised for it! As Edyta said ‘it’s like I’m on rocket fuel’

I’ve pumped all of that knowledge into my core group coaching programme so that this time we’re popping the Prosecco for your promotion!
I’ve pumped all of that knowledge into my core group coaching programme so that this time we’re popping the Prosecco for your promotion!
The Career Elevator is designed to lift you up so you can get that promotion, pocket that pay rise, AND be recognised as the total badass you are…YOU are worth it!!
You will totally get how to BE SEEN, BE VALUED, AND BE SUCCESSFUL
My mission is to give you the gift of seeing how talented you REALLY are, and how to communicate it in a confident way that feels natural (you won’t need a shower after, I promise) so that even your CEO is screaming give her a promotion and bonus now.
There’s nothing out there like this, it’s like a boot up the butt wrapped in a fluffy blanket…I am here to give you my best tools, my best tricks, and SO MUCH support that you will wonder how you ever coped without a Sinead in your life before.
With a combination of live calls, strategy videos, practical tasks, and oodles of support, the women I work with carry on getting results for life!


Increase your impact
Maximise your confidence, presence, and assurance to make your career dreams a reality. Build your profile and influence with ease so your name is in the right box for the perfect opportunities and promotions so you can move from frustrated to fantastic !

Rev Up Your Relationships
Identify and nurture the right relationships for success; understand who you need on your team and how to find them, and work in building meaningful connections in an authentic way that mean a win:win for all.

Boost Your Brand
Get clear on how you want to be known and talked about, build that awareness across your network, and identify and create opportunities to work in alignment with your brand.

Fearless Foundations
Make sure you’re building the next stage of your career on the right principles – your values, strong and positive beliefs, a worthwhile purpose, and clear vision.
With a mix of Q&A sessions, workshops, live calls, and a supportive Facebook Community…you’ve got a whole support team behind you focused on your success!

the 4 modules are designed to give you top career tools and strategy…through a blend of bitesize videos and workbooks that coach you to get clear on the next steps in your career, and how to make it happen.
And we also
meet at least twice a month on Zoom so that you can get my eyes on your career. It’s like having your own personal career expert on tap (and I’ve been called a cheerleader in your pocket too).

Each module has a series of bitesize videos to help you take SIMPLE steps to success. I walk you through the process that moves you from career beige to career bling! These videos are about building smart strategies, taking powerful action, and moving you up towards your career goals and beyond.

Each module has a series of bitesize videos to help you take SIMPLE steps to success. I walk you through the process that moves you from career beige to career bling! These videos are about building smart strategies, taking powerful action, and moving you up towards your career goals and beyond.

My workbooks are your ultimate career guides to success. Laden with powerful questions that will challenge your thinking and more importantly, get you to take action to get you results. The ultimate outcome: your career success strategy!

My workbooks are your ultimate career guides to success. Laden with powerful questions that will challenge your thinking and more importantly, get you to take action to get you results. The ultimate outcome: your career success strategy!

The live calls are the magic bit…connection, clarity, and support in one fabulous package. You get your questions answered and get expert help. And you will come away energised, inspired, and motivated to take action. We celebrate your success, we listen, we understand. When you’re surrounded by talented women who believe in you, anything is possible!

The live calls are the magic bit…connection, clarity, and support in one fabulous package. You get your questions answered and get expert help. And you will come away energised, inspired, and motivated to take action. We celebrate your success, we listen, we understand. When you’re surrounded by talented women who believe in you, anything is possible!

The Facebook group is like the arms that envelop you in a hug. It’s a safe space full of support, encouragement, and it’s there for you if you’re not sure what to do. You can ask questions, share successes, (or if you ever need to) have a bit of a moan…and we’ll be there to lift you up and keep you on track.

The Facebook group is like the arms that envelop you in a hug. It’s a safe space full of support, encouragement, and it’s there for you if you’re not sure what to do. You can ask questions, share successes, (or if you ever need to) have a bit of a moan…and we’ll be there to lift you up and keep you on track.

I have regular Facebook live video sessions so that I can answer any other questions you may have fully and so you never feel stuck or alone. I love answering questions and helping you bring the course to life for you and your situation. I will also be showing up to encourage you to keep building to be your very best.

I have regular Facebook live video sessions so that I can answer any other questions you may have fully and so you never feel stuck or alone. I love answering questions and helping you bring the course to life for you and your situation. I will also be showing up to encourage you to keep building to be your very best.

A fortnightly drop-in call to get MY EYES on YOUR CAREER! You can ask me anything…how do I get my boss to actually hear me?/ I’ve got a big meeting coming up, how do I nail it etc. You get answers, support, a kick up the ass. Whatever you need! As Siobhan said recently ‘you just don’t get support like this anywhere else, it’s so good’

A fortnightly drop-in call to get MY EYES on YOUR CAREER! You can ask me anything…how do I get my boss to actually hear me?/ I’ve got a big meeting coming up, how do I nail it etc. You get answers, support, a kick up the ass. Whatever you need! As Siobhan said recently ‘you just don’t get support like this anywhere else, it’s so good’

There’s nothing I love more than giving you the tips and tools you need to succeed for YOUR SITUATION. The Career Tips Library is a growing resource based on the challenges/ questions/ scenarios you ask for help with as you go through the Career Elevator. Made up of bitesize videos with practical steps and actions you can take and are there to support you through the 4 months and beyond…EVERY TIME the Career Elevator runs new ones will be added, meaning the knowledge at your fingertips will keep growing too.

There’s nothing I love more than giving you the tips and tools you need to succeed for YOUR SITUATION. The Career Tips Library is a growing resource based on the challenges/ questions/ scenarios you ask for help with as you go through the Career Elevator. Made up of bitesize videos with practical steps and actions you can take and are there to support you through the 4 months and beyond…EVERY TIME the Career Elevator runs new ones will be added, meaning the knowledge at your fingertips will keep growing too.
Something else you really need to know is…
Something else you really need to know is…
You get Career Elevator access for LIFE!

The investment for this career and life-changing programme is £3995
Yes, you could spend that money on a holiday…
BUT how many amazing holidays could you pay for if you secured the promotion or pay rise you know you deserve? If you had the confidence to pursue the career you crave? This will keep returning on your investment year after year.
You get lifetime access…
Which means you don’t just get the strategies to help you now, but for long into the future. When you do a programme with me, it keeps giving for the WHOLE OF YOUR CAREER…that’s a lot of promotions and payrises yet to come!

The investment for this career and life-changing programme is £3995
Yes, you could spend that money on a holiday…
BUT how many amazing holidays could you pay for if you secured the promotion or pay rise you know you deserve? If you had the confidence to pursue the career you crave? This will keep returning on your investment year after year.
You get lifetime access…
Which means you don’t just get the strategies to help you now, but for long into the future. When you do a programme with me, it keeps giving for the WHOLE OF YOUR CAREER…that’s a lot of promotions and payrises yet to come!

I could never be doing what I’m doing without you Sinead. I’m so excited about my career!! Everyone should have a Sinead in their corner. You should be available on the NHS!

PLUS there are 4 awesome bonuses!!
You get FREE access to my highly successful Rise and Shine at Interview programme – known for helping women ace the interview and land amazing jobs and promotions!
A bonus 121 Career Strategy session with me, plus an emergency 121 session whenever you need to take it to use for a presentation, a big meeting or anything else you need (worth £600)!
Access to bonus modules on how to negotiate a payrise, how to maximise your influence, and strategies to tame your imposter!
And the BIG ONE…career support from me for a WHOLE YEAR. You get the career clinics, the Facebook group, the extra masterclasses and to join the programme again for 12 MONTHS. This alone is worth >£3,000!**
**The 12 months starts from the date you sign up
There’s accountability from the group, from what you’re expected to complete each week, from the commitments you’ll make to yourself and your group.
There’s the push to think differently – something we’re terrible at ourselves
There’s ideas and approaches you haven’t heard of before.
There’s the momentum of a process that envelopes you for 4 months and develops a habit of progress for you.
There’s accountability from the group, from what you’re expected to complete each week, from the commitments you’ll make to yourself and your group.
There’s the push to think differently – something we’re terrible at ourselves
There’s ideas and approaches you haven’t heard of before.
There’s the momentum of a process that envelopes you for 4 months and develops a habit of progress for you.

What if you invested money in making a change that will benefit the rest of your life?
My clients tell me that investing with working with me is the best money they’ve ever spent.
Partly because of the major impact it’s had at that time, but also because they learn things that will continue to have impact for life…ongoing recognition, more promotions, more visibility. Surely that’s priceless?!
The Career Elevator will change how you think about, and take action on your career, forever.

Clarity on your next career steps (and a push to go big)
A personal career strategy with clear actions for how to get the career you deserve
The confidence to go achieve your career goals – like going for the roles you’ve shied away from before but you deserve!
Increased visibility so the right opportunities come to you
And the ability to communicate your value, set boundaries, and ask for what you really want!
Clarity on your next career steps (and a push to go big)
Your own personal career strategy with clear actions for how to get the career you deserve
The confidence to go achieve your career goals – like going for the roles you’ve shied away from before but you deserve!
Increased visibility so the right opportunities come to you
And the ability to communicate your value, set boundaries, and ask for what you really want!